Application of Livestock Manure
Poultry litter and livestock manure can be lower cost sources of phosphorus and potassium for pastures or hayfields that are low in these nutrients and not excessive in zinc, copper, …
Poultry litter and livestock manure can be lower cost sources of phosphorus and potassium for pastures or hayfields that are low in these nutrients and not excessive in zinc, copper, …
Three primary factors that affect forage quality include species, maturity, and temperature. As a general rule, annual forages will be higher in quality than perennial forages and cool-season forages will …
Cutting hay at the desired maturity is critical to produce high quality hay. As the crop gets more mature the TDN decreases. Unfortunately, due to rainy conditions, availability of custom …
Unfortunately, some calves are lost at birth. In these situations, producers sometimes consider purchasing a calf to graft onto the cow for her to raise. When a calf is purchased …
For most operations the ability to do some rotational grazing is beneficial. With a rotation system cattle can be kept out of certain fields so they can be cut for …
Cattle identification ear tags can be a very useful management tool. However, in some situations after tagging an infection may develop around the point of insertion especially in young calves. …
Rumen acidosis is a condition in cattle when pH in the rumen drops to low for normal rumen function and microbial growth. Acidosis can lead to reduced animal weight, liver …
Vaccines for cattle are generally classified as killed or modified-live. When and how vaccines can and should be used changes depending on classification and specific product, so it is critical …
Grass tetany is a condition in cows due to low magnesium levels in the blood which can lead to death. Grass tetany is more likely in lactating cows grazing cool-season …
It is always important to make sure cattle have access to a quality water source. If water troughs are used make sure they are in the shade if possible or …